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Common Terminology



An important aspect of trees is how to traverse them. Traversing a tree allows us to search for a node, print out the contents of a tree, and much more! There are two categories of traversals when it comes to trees:

Depth First

Depth first traversal is where we prioritize going through the depth (height) of the tree first. There are multiple ways to carry out depth first traversal, and each method changes the order in which we search/print the root


Let’s break down the pre-order traversal. Here is the pseudocode for this traversal method:

ALGORITHM preOrder(root)

OUTPUT <-- root.value

if root.left is not NULL

if root.right is not NULL



ALGORITHM inOrder(root)
// INPUT <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- in-order output of tree node's values

    if root.left is not NULL

    OUTPUT <-- root.value

    if root.right is not NULL


ALGORITHM postOrder(root)
// INPUT <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- post-order output of tree node's values

    if root.left is not NULL

    if root.right is not NULL

    OUTPUT <-- root.value

Breadth First

Breadth first traversal iterates through the tree by going through each level of the tree node-by-node.



Here is the pseudocode, utilizing a built-in queue to implement a breadth first traversal.

ALGORITHM breadthFirst(root)
// INPUT  <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- front node of queue to console

Queue breadth <-- new Queue()

while breadth.peek()
    node front = breadth.dequeue()
    OUTPUT <-- front.value

    if front.left is not NULL

    if front.right is not NULL

Binary Tree Vs K-ary Trees

In all of our examples, we’ve been using a Binary Tree. Trees can have any number of children per node, but Binary Trees restrict the number of children to two (hence our left and right children).

Binary Tree


K-ary Trees

If Nodes are able have more than 2 child nodes, we call the tree that contains them a K-ary Tree. In this type of tree we use K to refer to the maximum number of children that each Node is able to have.

Breadth First Traversal

Traversing a K-ary tree requires a similar approach to the breadth first traversal. We are still pushing nodes into a queue,



ALGORITHM breadthFirst(root)
// INPUT  <-- root node
// OUTPUT <-- front node of queue to console

Queue breadth <-- new Queue()

while breadth.peek()
    node front = breadth.dequeue()
    OUTPUT <-- front.value

    for child in front.children

Adding a node

Because there are no structural rules for where nodes are “supposed to go” in a binary tree, it really doesn’t matter where a new node gets placed.

One strategy for adding a new node to a binary tree is to fill all “child” spots from the top down. To do so, we would leverage the use of breadth first traversal. During the traversal, we find the first node that does not have all it’s children filled, and insert the new node as a child. We fill the child slots from left to right.

Big O

The Big O time complexity for inserting a new node is O(n). Searching for a specific node will also be O(n). Because of the lack of organizational structure in a Binary Tree, the worst case for most operations will involve traversing the entire tree. If we assume that a tree has n nodes, then in the worst case we will have to look at n items, hence the O(n) complexity.

Binary Search Trees

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a type of tree that does have some structure attached to it. In a BST, nodes are organized in a manner where all values that are smaller than the root are placed to the left, and all values that are larger than the root are placed to the right.
