The first step is to import the required Python libraries into Ipython Notebook.
This data set is available in sklearn Python module, so I will access it using scikitlearn. I am going to import Boston data set into Ipython notebook and store it in a variable called boston.
The object boston is a dictionary, so you can explore the keys of this dictionary.
I am going to print the feature names of boston data set.
In this section I am going to fit a linear regression model and predict the Boston housing prices. I will use the least squares method as the way to estimate the coefficients.
Y = boston housing price(also called “target” data in Python)
X = all the other features (or independent variables)
I am going to use all 13 parameters to fit a linear regression model. Two other parameters that you can pass to linear regression object are fit_intercept and normalize.
In [20]:, bos.PRICE)
Out[20]: LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False)
I am going to calculate the predicted prices (Y^i) using lm.predict. Then I display the first 5 housing prices. These are my predicted housing prices.
In practice you wont implement linear regression on the entire data set, you will have to split the data sets into training and test data sets. So that you train your model on training data and see how well it performed on test data.
print “Fit a model X_train, and calculate MSE with Y_train:”, np.mean((Y_train – lm.predict(X_train)) ** 2)
print “Fit a model X_train, and calculate MSE with X_test, Y_test:”, np.mean((Y_test – lm.predict(X_test)) ** 2)
Fit a model X_train, and calculate MSE with Y_train: 19.5467584735 Fit a model X_train, and calculate MSE with X_test, Y_test: 28.5413672756
Residual plots are a good way to visualize the errors in your data. If you have done a good job then your data should be randomly scattered around line zero. If you see structure in your data, that means your model is not capturing some thing.