A component is a modular, portable, replaceable, and reusable set of well-defined functionality that encapsulates its implementation and exporting it as a higher-level interface.
A component is a software object, intended to interact with other components, encapsulating certain functionality or a set of functionalities. It has an obviously defined interface and conforms to a recommended behavior common to all components within an architecture.
A component can have three different views.
A component is viewed as a set of one or more cooperating classes. Each problem domain class (analysis) and infrastructure class (design) are explained to identify all attributes and operations that apply to its implementation.
It is viewed as a functional element or a module of a program that integrates the processing logic, the internal data structures that are required to implement the processing logic.
In this view, instead of creating each component from scratch, the system is building from existing components maintained in a library.
A component-level design can be represented by using some intermediary representation (e.g. graphical, tabular, or text-based) that can be translated into source code.
Creates a naming conventions for components that are specified as part of the architectural model and then refines or elaborates as part of the component-level model.
Recognizes all design classes that correspond to the problem domain as defined in the analysis model and architectural model.
React is a component-based library which divides the UI into little reusable pieces.
“Props” is a special keyword in React, which stands for properties and is being used for passing data from one component to another.
But the important part here is that data with props are being passed in a uni-directional flow. (one way from parent to child)
I will be explaining how to use Props step by step.
Understanding React’s approach to data manipulation takes time. I hope my post helps you to become better in React. If you have any questions, comment down below. Next, you can read how to manage data with another special React feature: State.