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More CSS Layout

Key Concepts in Positioning Elements

Building Blocks

CSS treats each HTML element as if it is in its own box. This box will either be a block-level box or an inline box.

Containing Elements

If one block-level element sits inside another block-level element then the outer box is known as the containing or parent element.

Controlling the Position of Elements

CSS has the following positioning schemes that allow you to control the layout of a page: normal flow, relative positioning, and absolute positioning. You specify the positioning scheme using the position property in CSS. You can also float elements using the float property.

Screen Sizes

Different visitors to your site will have different sized screens that show different amounts of information, so your design needs to be able to work on a range of different sized screens.

Screen Resolution

Resolution refers to the number of dots a screen shows per inch. Some devices have a higher resolution than desktop computers and most operating systems allow users to adjust the resolution of their screens.

Page Sizes

Because screen sizes and display resolutions vary so much, web designers often try to create pages of around 960-1000 pixels wide (since most users will be able to see designs this wide on their screens).

Fixed Width Layouts

Liquid Layouts

Layout Grids
